BISB Weekly Update - June 23rd, 2023
A Big Thank You to TUSKERS Families:
Campus Development Fee
Message from Librarian:
Grade 7&8 Rock Band at Grade 8 Appreciation Ceremony
TUSKERS of the week
Message from Humanities Teachers: BISB's Literary Magazine
2023-2024 Capital Improvement
Parent School ID Card for the New Academic Year (2023-2024)
Community Health Update - There is no case this week.
BISB 2023-2024 Course Guide for Gr 6 - 9
Staff Directory
2023-2024 Academic Calendar
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Photos of the Week
A Big Thank You to TUSKERS Families:
Dear TUSKERS Families,
As the school year for our beloved students has come to an end. We wish to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to parents great support in growing our community bigger and stronger throughout this academic year.
Our teachers and staff navigated our unique way around our unique BASIS learning for our TUSKERS. We must commend our amazing students who displayed incredible learning resilience and showed their best potential to fulfill their fullest potential during their time in school. As well, this achievement would not have been possible without the commitment and support of our parents. Our TUSKERS community has gone way above and beyond our expectations, and your dedication has been one of the reasons we have been successful. Your constant support and feedback have allowed us to constantly improve and maintain our excellent standards throughout the year.
Thank you for trusting us to provide teaching and learning for your child/children. It has indeed been an honor and privilege for us. As a school, we are delighted at the progress our students have made and are assured that they will leave our school as more knowledgeable and independent learners.
A big thank you for your support and dedication throughout this year for all activities that happened at school: sports events, art events, and more. We have felt your constant and consistent support behind the scenes. We wish you continued support for our community in the next academic year. We are super excited to guide and see the next chapters of our students learning journey.
For a little heads up about the B.O.S.S. camp, the camp will be held on Saturday, August 19th 2023, so please save the date. We will reach out to you again once we have more details.
If you enrolled in our BASIS Explorer Summer Camp, we are looking forward to seeing you next Monday!
Have a great Summer.
Best Regard,
Ms.Kwan and Ms.Ruth
Campus Development Fee
Dear BISB Parents,
We wanted to take a moment to clarify the Campus Development Fees that some of you have inquired about.
The Campus Development Fees cover facility development, additional/replace equipment, and technologies including hardware and software. This is a common fee among international schools, collected each year of enrollment.
The Campus Development Fees have been waived for the academic years of 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 to help BISB families, and we have communicated their existence since the launch of the school in 2019. Starting in the 2023–2024 academic year, we will be collecting this annual fee. The Campus Development fee of 20,000 THB, which existed from 2019 to 2022, has increased to the current rate of 22,000 THB. This is based on cost increases, particularly regarding construction materials. We are doing our best to keep this fee as low as possible.
For the upcoming year, we expect to collect approximately 11 million THB in Campus Development Fees from families, which will be used for renovation and construction projects over the summer. The main project is the gymnastic studio and indoor activity enclosure within the Sports Building, which, along with over a dozen other projects, will cost approximately 30 million THB. Other projects will also be funded from the amount collected.
Our School has plans for further expansion as we grow over the next few years. We expect the rate of 22,000 THB to stay the same for at least three years. The school is committed to using the Capital Development Fees for the betterment of our campus, equipment, and technology, with the aim of improving the learning experience for our students as well as providing additional activities to suit the growing communities’ interests.
We hope this explanation helps to clarify any questions you may have had about the Campus Development Fees.
Warm regards,
BISB Management
Message from Librarian:
It has been a wonderful year at the library! I just want to take a moment to thank all of the parents for their support during the school year. Thank you for encouraging your students to checkout books from the library, for helping to grow their love of reading, and for making our library space feel welcoming and alive during the year.
The library is open over the summer break, so be sure to keep your young readers going this summer! Come visit me in the library every Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. starting June 27th to July 25th . Parents can check out 4-6 books.
Can’t wait to see you all this summer and in August for the new school year, happy reading!
Thank you,
Ms. Erika
Grade 7&8 Rock Band at Grade 8 Appreciation Ceremony
TUSKERS of the week
Message from Humanities Teachers: BISB's Literary Magazine
Dear TUSKERS Families,
Enjoy reading the inaugural edition of BISB's literary magazine, "The Lotus Pond!" Thank you to the students for their contributions, the Humanities/English department for their encouragement and editing, and operations for their support in designing the magazine. Please click the button below to read the magazine.
"The Lotus Pond" is a literary and art collection showcasing the remarkable talents and imaginations of BASIS International School Bangkok’s third through eighth graders. This literary magazine is open to any and all students who enjoy written and artistic expression, and is a home for all their creations. The artists and authors featured in our inaugural volume will take you on a journey through different genres, themes, and forms that share their hopes, dreams, fears, and hearts. We are honored to present their work to you. This is just the beginning – we hope The Lotus Pond will be a celebration of the power of art and writing, and we look forward to years of student publications to come."
Ms. Renee O'Brien
2023-2024 Capital Improvement
We are happy to announce some of the capital improvements to our campus. We wish to share that our improvement budget is not constrained by the Campus Development Fees that we charge each year, but more as a function of the needs identified within our school community. Over the past several years we have made improvements without charging any Capital Fee and even the current year improvements far exceed the income that we generate by this fee.
- Gymnastics room. This summer we will be adding a mezzanine level to the sport building to include a Gymnastics room. This room will be designed to support our PE curriculum, after school activities, and serve as an additional indoor space for our students during high AQI and high Heat-Index days.
- Multipurpose Space. We will be enclosing and conditioning approximately 300 square meters of additional multi-purpose space at our Sport Building.
- Expanded Library. We will be expanding our main library to create a differentiated space for older students.
- Senior Lounge. We are creating a dedicated lounge space for our oldest students.
- Early-Years Reading Room. We will create a “reading room” at the early years. This space will have a rotating exhibit of books from our library and serve as a dedicated reading space for our youngest learners.
- Additional Science Labs. We are completing 2 additional science labs to bring our total to 6 active science labs.
- Security Enhancements. We are making several security enhancements throughout our campus.
- Addition of 55 laptops and tablets to support academic needs.
In previous years we have approved multiple campus enhancements in order to support our growing community. These have included:
- Expanded playground for Primary.
- Expanded playground for Kindergarten.
- Fit-out of 2nd floor of the academic building.
- Creation of the Early-Years Canteen, relocation of the teacher lounge and new housekeeping room.
- Implementation of a 535kw solar system.
- Addition of the soundproof curtain for the Gymnasium.
- Addition of basketball hoops for the multipurpose gym.
- Continued support of the Performing Arts with lights, musical equipment, microphones and other ancillary equipment.
- Continued improvement in systems, including Schoolzine, Edmentum, RAZ Kids, and other systems.
- Waste Management Center and ancillary equipment.
We thank you for your trust in BASIS International School Bangkok and look forward to an exciting year to come.
BISB Management
Parent School ID Card for the New Academic Year (2023-2024)
Parents are requested to complete 2023-2024 Parent School ID cards online form by the end of June 2023. Please kindly submit a clear photograph with a white background. Thank you!
Community Health Update - There is no case this week.
BISB 2023-2024 Course Guide for Gr 6 - 9
Dear Families,
Below, please find the 2023-2024 academic year course guide for middle and high school students. The course guide contains information regarding the required and elective courses offered for each grade level, as well as important graduation and course planning information for our rising high school students. Please feel welcome to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding course offerings or graduation planning.
Warm Regards,
Mr. Josh
Director of Academic Programs
Staff Directory
2023-2024 Academic Calendar
BISB Families, please find next year's academic calendar below for your planning.
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Story Telling:
Middle School - Field trip to Beat Activ:
Dance Audition:
Grade 1-5 Trimester Award Ceremonies:
Early Years Field Day:
Grade 8 Appreciate Day:
Sport Day - Grade 1-8:
Project Day: