BISB Weekly Update - March 11th, 2022
Message from the Head of School
Dear Parents, hoping you and your extended family are safe and well – hereafter are a few notices:
No hairdryers should be brought to school for use after swimming! I am extremely nervous about the idea of hairdryers in an area with so much water. So hazardous. Hence, they are not allowed!
FOOTBALL FOR PARENTS! Some teachers already started a football club amongst themselves on Tuesdays from around 5pm – any parents who would like to come along and join in are very welcome. We ask that the normal rules for entry to the school apply in terms of vaccination and testing, please.
Please be mindful of speed when driving in the car park. Kindly do adhere to the instructions of our security guards – as they are there to protect.
We will have a Superhero day on March 25th!
Remember that next week is a four-day week.
We had a large turnout of middle school parents for our coffee morning earlier in the week. As I have said before, grades 5 to 7 children can be dealing with significant psychological and bodily changes. As such, it is a very difficult period for adolescents and parents alike to navigate. It was great to have an expert to address the moms and dads. If nothing else, I suspect many realized that they were not the only family dealing with these challenging preadolescence times.
To reiterate an issue that I raised last week, and one that came up in the Grade6/7 coffee morning – home life for children cannot be regulated by the school. We can only reinforce values that should already be taught at home.
I found the following to share: ‘Good parenting helps foster empathy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, kindness, cooperation, and cheerfulness. It also promotes intellectual curiosity, motivation, and desire to achieve. It can help protect children from developing mental health disorders and anti-social behavior…’ ‘…It is simply not possible to spoil a child with love," he writes. "What we often think of as the product of spoiling a child is never the result of showing a child too much love. It is usually the consequence of giving a child things in place of love - things like leniency, lowered expectations, or material possessions…’
Trimester 2 Report Cards & Honors Ceremonies
Trimester Two Report Cards went home today for all grades - be sure to check your child's backpack this evening!
The Trimester Two Honors Ceremony will be held on Thursday, March 17th for Grades 1 to 7, and we would love to invite parents to come celebrate all of our student's hard work and success! There will be three ceremonies at the following times:
Grades 1 & 2 8:45 AM – 9:25 AM
Grades 3 & 4 11:10 AM – 11:50 AM
Grades 5 – 7 1:45 PM – 2:25 PM
If you would like to join in-person, please RSVP by completing this online form (one per student).
Each ceremony will also be live-streamed online, with a link provided via email next week.
Early Years will also be hosting honors activities the following Monday (March 21st), so be on the lookout for more information coming soon!
March 25th - Superheroes Day!
Coffee Morning for Early Years Parents - Thursday, March 24 at 8:30 AM
There will be a coffee morning event for EY parents focused on Early Childhood Development on Thursday, March 24th from 8:30 - 10:00 AM. Please RSVP by messaging our Line Official @bisb by Monday, March 21st. Seats are limited!
Student Hours Reminder
Be sure to check with your student's teacher to confirm a mandatory student hours appointment. Also, be sure to confirm the correct pickup time in the event your child has student hours that day. Thank you!